Getting better with hashtags

Darren Doyle
2 min readApr 4, 2024


I used to do it, now I do it again to improve my social media

(COSBY, Mo. ) Back before I began my time as a media member, I used to use hashtags a lot. At that time, I thought hashtags were only for aesthetic and I did not know that they were actually used to capture analytics and help people find your posts easier.

Since my time in Social Media branding, I have learned that if you use hashtags that you get better interactions.

Since my review, I learned that hashtags are a must. I have incorporated hashtags whenever and however possible. Some of the ways that I did this have been through posts about the special election that happened last Tuesday.

But also I have begun tagging accounts to help out my engagement. One of the ways I did this was to help my social media campaign for my multimedia final project in Multimedia Storytelling. I am working on telling the story of Griffon Esports through the voices that help run the program.

Through this I tagged Missouri Western State University when I posted a post for my social media campaign on LinkedIn. This helped my post get a lot of engagement that I would not usually get unless it was something from my work.

I tend to try to tag my work’s accounts whenever I post something about a story I work on whenever I send it through social media. So if I am working on sports, I tag sports and whenever I work on news I try to tag the news account. Whenever someone searches for those accounts, they have a possibility of finding my accounts also.

I believe following these tactics will help my engagement grow.



Darren Doyle

Sports information assistant and sports production member for Missouri Western State University.