Analyzing a news package from “City of Kansas City” YouTube

Darren Doyle
2 min readMar 18, 2024

Taking a look at a news package to analyze for class.

(KANSAS CITY/ST. JOSEPH, Mo.) I chose this video package about the creation of Swope Park village because I wanted to learn more about the area. This did well in explaining it because I felt after watching it just once, that I knew alot more about the area than I did before. Also I believe that the development of this area is crucial to the explaining the beginning of the story on why Kansas City is considered the Soccer Capital of America.

Parts of this video that were done well was the explanation of the involvement of Sporting Kansas City. This was not long after Sporting won the 2013 MLS Cup and were trying to do anything that they could to make the area better. One of the ways that they did this was marketing Swope Park’s fields and their amenities.

Some things that I believe this package did well was it’s timeliness from the date that it was posted. They really banked in on the excitement of Sporting KC, having the improved fields for Kansas City and spoke to the city officials on their involvement.

There were areas that I believed that this team lacked and could have done better journalistically. The two people that they interviewed were only directly involved with the project and a little bias. This is probably because the video was made for the city’s YouTube account. If this was made by a independent news entity, they might have talked to a Kansas City resident on how they felt about it.

Chris’ standups were done well on how he spoke loudly and used his surroundings to his advantage. He made sure you saw the green and the people behind him so you had no doubt were he was at. He also explained almost right away about why the viewer should care with explaining the economic impact for the community that the village would bring.

He also did well with using buzz words like NCAA, community and more whenever doing his voice overs. Along with using the see it, say it tactic in how he picked what he was showing the audience in his package.

Some of the camera work could have been better throughout the package. Some of the shots were shaky and or at a really weird angle that made it hard to look at. This can and does partly interrupt the flow of the package in how it is viewed. Things should be clean and steady to help the viewer not even notice the journey they are on in the video.



Darren Doyle

Sports information assistant and sports production member for Missouri Western State University.