Analyzation of analyzing.

Darren Doyle
2 min readApr 10, 2024

(COSBY, Mo.) Anazlyzing the multimedia package from the Athletic on how to figure out if someone managing (using the American term) soccer is doing well.

How this qualifies as a multimedia package is the IDV’s, photos and the podcast at the bottom of the article. I believe that this article includes all of the parts of a multimedia package well in telling the story on trying to analyze if someone is a good soccer manager.

The writing anchor does well throughout the article in how it helps transition from different points of the article of the photos and graphs. They even make a call back near the end to something in the beginning talking about how a good coach is more than just good hair.

The story does also include quotes from coaches and other soccer stars to include context into some of the themes they talk about throughout.

The pictures included show some of the most recognizable faces in soccer. Then including the photos in the anchor that is the story in giving the reader a visual. The header photo does a great job at intriguing the reader in reading the story. The coach looks worried or even quizzical, so one might be interested in looking at this article if that is the case.

The IDV of player quality explaining team performance is a great one. This helps you realize that most likely when someone who is good at being a coach, they’re most likely coaching a great player that is helping their team.

Along with the other IDV which shows goal differential on the season. This is important because this shows how successful a team has likely been with how they have been beating the other teams. Along with the third IDV of how the performance travels from team to team.

The podcast episode that is included is also helpful which how The Athletic’s soccer specialty area takes a look at if Thiago Motta is a good coach. Which will likely explain in great detail through words the thought process on how they figured out coaches from the multimedia package in whole.

Some aspects of multimedia packages I believe that could have helped this piece is possibly video. There has to be some kind of video that they could analzye of soccer coaches answering questions or reacting to certain situations. Maybe some of the video rights were hard to get and they could not get it cleared.



Darren Doyle

Sports information assistant and sports production member for Missouri Western State University.